Living Out the Joy of Easter April 23, 2019Nicholas Lee Often times, we celebrate Easter with great joy on Easter Sunday. We rejoice by singing Alleluias. We take delight in Easter eggs and [...]
Entering into Holy Week April 11, 2019April 11, 2019Nicholas Lee We are on the eve of Holy Week. It is the holiest of weeks in the year. Fr Mike Schmitz’s sharing in this [...]
Appreciating the Power of Prayer April 11, 2019Nicholas Lee Prayer is one of the pillars of how we ought to live in Lent. Almsgiving and fasting are the other two pillars. The [...]
From Sinfulness to Saintliness March 20, 2019Nicholas Lee Lent invites us to repentance and conversion. To do this, we need to review our choices and actions that lead us away from [...]
Into the Desert March 11, 2019Nicholas Lee We have began Lent. All too often in Lent we focus too quickly — and sometimes we became too fixated — on our [...]
Who am I? March 5, 2019Nicholas Lee For this week, I am proposing the article, “An Identity Made For Love” by Fr Philip Bochanski who is the Executive Director of [...]
God’s Plan For Us February 25, 2019March 5, 2019Nicholas Lee This week’s invitation to reflection and prayer is based on this video homily by Archbishop José Horacio Gómez from the Archdiocese of Los [...]
Engagement with Pornography February 12, 2019March 5, 2019Nicholas Lee This week’s invitation to reflection and prayer is for us to read this article, “3 Prominent Catholics Discuss Their Same-Sex Attraction” by Jim [...]
Radio Interview with Fr Philip Bochanski October 22, 2018March 5, 2019Nicholas Lee Here is a radio interview with Courage International executive director, Father Philip Bochanski. A key point he makes in the interview is this: [...]
The desert has the biggest sky October 16, 2018March 5, 2019Nicholas Lee by Anna Carter Zion, Mojave, Red Rock. I’ve been to these deserts, walked their canyons, seen their contours. I’ve stood at the Grand [...]