Overcoming Lust In Our Lives October 29, 2019Nicholas Lee We all struggle with lust. Lust can take many forms: for example, we lust for money, power or love. Lust is an intense [...]
Growing in our Relationship with God September 12, 2019Nicholas Lee A continuing challenge people with SSA struggle with is personal renewal. We know what this looks like: our desire to love God and [...]
Finding God in the Messiness of Our Struggles September 3, 2019Nicholas Lee Raquel Falk’s reflection entitled “Fit for Glory” describes when she first became aware she was a person with SSA and how she then [...]
Friendship with God and with others August 27, 2019August 27, 2019Nicholas Lee Some weeks back, we viewed Eve Tushnet’s talk, ‘Gay and Catholic’. A point she raised was the vocation of friendship that people with [...]
The Slow and Steady Process to Holiness July 30, 2019Nicholas Lee We come to Courage to grow in holiness. Our desire to be chaste and our efforts to remain chaste express our commitment to [...]
Can I be Catholic and Gay? July 22, 2019July 26, 2019Nicholas Lee Catholics with SSA grapple with many questions as they try make sense of who they are, how God loves them and whether they [...]
Dare to live as Saints July 6, 2019July 26, 2019Nicholas Lee Between Easter and Advent is what the Church’s Liturgical Calendar calls Ordinary Time. In Ordinary Time, the Church invites us to live in [...]
SSA: What’s Our Response? June 28, 2019June 28, 2019Nicholas Lee Do you know how to relate to someone with same-sex attraction? Even today, homosexuality or same-sex attraction (SSA) is a difficult subject for [...]
Being Open to the Holy Spirit June 19, 2019Nicholas Lee This week I’d like to share a spiritual reflection by Rebecca Ruiz on the good work of Holy Spirit in our lives. It [...]
Choosing God, Choosing Freedom June 11, 2019Nicholas Lee For this week’s reflection, let us consider this video from the BBC that features Bro Giles reflecting on prayer and freedom. I find [...]