Easter Matters April 14, 2020Nicholas Lee Each of us has a distinct memory of Easter. It might be of chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies. It might be of a [...]
Coming To Jesus In Hope March 29, 2020March 29, 2020Nicholas Lee Our Lenten journey enters the Fifth Week of Lent, and after that into Holy Week. We are therefore approaching closer to the truth [...]
Jesus Desires More For Us March 29, 2020Nicholas Lee Half time is precious time. In a basketball or football match, half-time gives the team time to regroup. This is an important time; [...]
The Desire for More March 18, 2020Nicholas Lee I think many of us dare not say that we want more out of Lent. I believe this desire for more has to [...]
The Way God Looks At Us March 9, 2020Nicholas Lee We are now entering into our Second Week of Lent. We may have begun our Lenten journey with hopeful commitments that we will [...]
Lent: A Season of Restoration & Sacrifice February 24, 2020Nicholas Lee “It’s Lent again!” many of us will say as Ash Wednesday approaches. We know what Lent is about. We know the call for [...]
God isn’t God unless He interrupts us January 30, 2020Nicholas Lee I don’t know about you but I prefer things to be familiar and the same, and for things to happen on a regular [...]
Crossing into a New Year January 20, 2020January 30, 2020Nicholas Lee We recently celebrated New Year’s Day on 1 January. On 25 and 26 January we celebrated Lunar New Year. We are providentially still [...]
A Christmas Reflection December 25, 2019December 30, 2019Nicholas Lee Year A / Christmas / Christmas Day Readings Isaiah 52.7-10 / Psalm 97.1,2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6 (R/v 3) / Hebrews 1.1-6 / John 1.1-5, [...]
Preparing our Gifts this Advent December 10, 2019December 10, 2019Nicholas Lee We are now in the season of Advent. This is a graced time for our individual and communal preparation to welcome Jesus at [...]