Sharing for Divine Mercy Sunday April 24, 2022August 29, 2022Courage Administrator By Joe (not his real name), a Courage member “And fear nothing, dear soul, whoever you are; the greater the sinner, the greater [...]
Choosing Easter April 17, 2022August 29, 2022Courage Administrator By Pete (not his real name), an anonymous Courage member “So Peter set out with the other disciple to go to the tomb. [...]
Lent: A Call to Conversion February 15, 2021February 16, 2021Nicholas Lee (Photo: The Herald, Malaysia) Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return. With these words, priests and lay ministers signed many [...]
Looking Ahead With HOPE January 26, 2021January 26, 2021Nicholas Lee We are coming to the end of January 2021. The year is however still new and we are still beginning to enter into [...]
Hungering for the Church July 7, 2020July 7, 2020Nicholas Lee Beginning this month, Masses are gradually resuming in Singapore. All who register will be able to attend one Mass in a parish of [...]
Hope: The Way Forward June 14, 2020Nicholas Lee All around the world, countries are beginning to reopen after home quarantine and lockdowns. In Singapore, the Circuit Breaker was lifted on 2 [...]
Where is God in Our Struggles May 21, 2020Nicholas Lee We often look at situations in terms of black and white. Either they make us happy or sad because of how we perceive [...]
Time Alone With God May 11, 2020Nicholas Lee Last night I chanced upon a Youtube video in which Bishop Robert Baron reflected on how Christians are living with the present quarantine [...]
Listening in Silence May 4, 2020Nicholas Lee Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. We celebrate God’s gift of vocation. We often think of vocation in terms of religious sisters and brothers [...]
Running April 20, 2020Nicholas Lee In the Gospel reading for Easter morning, we are presented with the image of Peter and John running to the tomb. It’s an [...]